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FR-V/FR家族SOFTUNE C/C++ V5分析仪手册

The Softune C/C++ Language Analyzer (simply called the "C/C++ Analyzer" in this manual) is a
development support tool for embedded microcontrollers. The C/C++ Analyzer displays and
prints the structure of a source program written in the C/C++ language and the status of data
being used by the program.
The C Analyzer runs Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows 98 and
Windows NT 4.0.
This manual explains the functions of the C/C++ Analyzer and how to use it.
This manual is intended for persons using the C/C++ Analyzer to analyze the source programs
written in the C/C++ language.
Corporate names revised in the documents

The Fujitsu Limited reorganized its LSI business into a wholly owned subsidiary, the Fujitsu
Microelectronics Limited on March 21, 2008.
The corporate names “Fujitsu” and “Fujitsu Limited” described all in this document have been
revised to the “Fujitsu Microelectronics Limited”. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding
this notice.
Moreover, there are no changes in the related documents other than corporate names revised.
Customers are advised to consult with sales representatives before ordering.

March 21, 2008
Fujitsu Microelectronics Limited
标签: 富士通FujitsuFR-VFR
FR-V/FR家族SOFTUNE C/C++ V5分析仪手册
