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首页> 分享下载> 常用文档> Applications of Zero Voltage Crossing Optically

Applications of Zero Voltage Crossing Optically

Applications of Zero Voltage Crossing Optically

Application Note AN-3004
Applications of Zero Voltage Crossing Optically
Isolated Triac Drivers

Introduction in their presence. Brief examples of typical applications are
The zero-cross family of optically isolated triac drivers is an
inexpensive, simple and effective solution for interface appli-
cations between low current dc control circuits such as logic Construction
gates and microprocessors and ac power loads (120, 240 or The zero-cross family consists of a liquid phase EPI, infra-
380 volt, single or 3-phase).
标签: ApplicationsofZeroVoltageCrossingOptically
Applications of Zero Voltage Crossing Optically
