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PWM设置LCD / LED驱动器的输出

摘要:数字脉冲宽度调制(PWM)输出许多微处理器是基于一个内部8 - 或16位计数器和功能可编程的占空比。这是适合调整LCD驱动器,负电压LED驱动器,或电流控制的LED驱动器的输出。

Maxim > App Notes > Display drivers
Keywords: pulse-width modulation, PWM, LED drivers, LCD drivers, Sep 20, 2004

PWM sets output of LCD/LED driver

Abstract: The digital, pulse-width-modulation (PWM) output available from many microprocessors is based on an internal 8- or
16-bit counter and features a programmable duty cycle. It is suitable for adjusting the output of an LCD driver, a negative-voltage
LED driver, or a current-controlled LED driver.

This design idea appeared in the May 27, 2004 issue of Electronic Design magazine.

The digital, pulse-width-modulation (PWM) output available from many microprocessors is based on an internal 8- or 16-bit counter
and features a programmable duty cycle. It is suitable
标签: Maximpulse-widthmodulationPWMLEDdriversLCDdrivers
PWM设置LCD / LED驱动器的输出
