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首页> 分享下载> 工业控制> infineon 新型6.5KV IGBT模块

infineon 新型6.5KV IGBT模块

infineon 新型6.5KV IGBT模块
The new 6.5kV IGBT module: a reliable device for medium voltage applications
Thomas Schuetze, Herman Berg, Oliver Schilling
eupec GmbH
Max-Planck-Strae 5
59581 Warstein
Tel.: +49 2902 764-1153
Fax: +49 2902 764-1150

In an effort to combine the advantages of modern high voltage IGBT chip and packaging technology
eupec is developing a product range of 6.5kV IGBT modules. The new Infineon 6.5kV chip generation
implements well known NPT specific fea
标签: infineon新型6.5KVIGBT模块
infineon 新型6.5KV IGBT模块
