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首页> 分享下载> 常用文档> allegro16.2安装


① Edit the license.dat file, replace this_host as your computer name, don't change any

other data.

② Install license server.

③ When the computer asks you to point to the license.dat, copy the edited license.dat file

to folder X:\Cadence\license_manager and ponit to this file.

④ After installation license server, the environment parameter CD_LIC_File was set up by

the computer automatically.

⑤ Install Allegro.

⑥ Copy shooters.exe to foler X:\Cadence. Run it.

⑦ If shooters.exe could not run well by the way in 6, please select "start->run", enter

"cmd" and press return, then a dos command dialog pops up, then come to the folder X:\cadence,

run shooters.exe under this environment.

⑧ Restart the computer, enjoy spb162.

以上是 readme.txt 文档里
