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MT6601_Debug_SOP_V05MT6601 Bluetooth Debug SOP (Version 0.5)

WCP_SA 2007.07.16
MediaTek Confidential Subject to Change without Notice

MT6601 HW Debug Procedure
1.Verify voltage level of BT power includes 2.8V & 1.8V

2.Check Connection between BB&BT (1) UART TXD & RXD (2) GPIO_BT_reset & GPIO_BT_32kHz (3) EINT_BT (4) PCM pins

4-1.Check mcu\make file

3.Check Reference Frequency & Clock Setting (BT_UCTS1 & BT_URTS1)

4-2.Setup “btmtk_config.c”

4.Check BT HW Configuration File

4-3.Setup GPIO Setting in “gpio_drv.c” or “codegen.dws”

5.BT Function Power on !
MediaTek Confidential Subject to Change without Notice

1.Verify voltage level of BT power

+1V8 is generated by MT6601 internal LDO

BT_PWR=2.8V. It should be provided by external LDO or MT6318.Vmc

Remark: You can find the detailed schematic from “M
标签: MT6601Debug
