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CMU200——WCDMA 3GPP 34.121测试指导

Operating Guide for WCDMA Test Setup according to 3GPP TS34Operation Guide for WCDMA Test Setup according to 3GPP TS 34.121 Application Note

R&S CMU200

Most of the tests specified in standard TS 34.121 [1] for 3GPP Rel-99 can be performed with R&S CMU200. This document provides a step by step guide on how to perform Rel-99 measurement on transmitter characteristics, receiver characteristics and performance tests according to TS 34.121 V8.4.0 clauses 5, 6 and 7 with standalone R&S CMU200. Test cases that require additional instruments e.g. fading generator (R&S SMU200A or R&S AMU200A) or spectrum analyzer (R&S FSQ) will be discussed in brief in this application note with recommended reference. A set of *.sav files based on R&S CMU200 firmware V5.02 for UE supporting operating band I with power class 3 in RMC 12.2 kbps downlink/u
标签: OperatingGuideWCDMASetupaccording
CMU200——WCDMA 3GPP 34.121测试指导
