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Banana Pi BPI-F2S IC设计与FPGA 学习与教育开发套装
sinovoip| 2020-05-28 10:35:25 阅读:529 发布文章

主板采用Banana Pi BPI-F2S 主板,板上有FPGA接口。采用Xilinx Artix-7 XC7A100T FPGA芯片方案。提供完善的软件与学习资料。

Banana Pi FPGA 学习与教育开发套装

香蕉派BPI-F2S 是 香蕉派团队 and 凌阳科技首次合作开发的一款工业级应用的开发板, 使用SP7021芯片设计.具有高性能,低功耗的特点; 内嵌 Linux Embed 系统,适合于语音图像处理、通信、便携式工业控制设备等应用场合。 自带高性能处理器,特别适合 AI 人工智能,机器视觉等需要强大运算力的应用;外扩 FPGA 模组,可提供硬件加速,芯片 IP 验证及 SOC 科研及教学应用; BPI-F2S开发板集具有集成度高,优良的布线布局,板面积很小,易于现场测试应用

Banana Pi FPGA 学习与教育开发套装


FPGA Module with Xilinx Artix-7 100T (Variant 2D), 2 x 50 Pin, 1.8V only supply

Now with the Trenz Electronic TE0725LP-01-100-2D is a low cost small-sized FPGA module integrating a Xilinx Artix-7 (15T-100T) and 32 MByte Flash memory for configuration and operation. The 2 x 50 pin headers with a 2.54 mm standard pitch are perfect for breadboard or low cost dual layer PCB.

Banana Pi FPGA 学习与教育开发套装

Trenz HyperBus enabled reference designs are typically bundled with a FREE evaluation edition of the commercially proven, low-cost, low-circuit area, high performance, HyperBus Memory Controller (HBMC) IP supplied by Synaptic Laboratories Ltd. Synaptic Labs HBMC IP is commercially proven in both Intel and Xilinx projects, and was selected by Intel. This FREE HBMC IP evaluation license never expires, and no customer registration or NIC ID is required. You can check for and obtain the latest version of the FREE evaluation HBMC IP from S/Labs website for Xilinx and Intel.




