
EEPW首页 > 嵌入式系统 > 专题 > 英特尔杯作品2010年一等奖作品摘要


作者: 时间:2012-05-31 来源:电子产品世界 收藏

  皮影艺术 凌动舞台 (英特尔杯作品)


  The Art of Shadow Puppet based on (R) Atom(TM) Processor

  王浩然 刘 鑫 朱 萌

  西安电子科技大学(Xidian University)

  摘要:针对皮影戏这一国家非物质文化遗产逐步淡出人们视线的现状,以唤回人们对皮影的关注为目的,设计了皮影表演系统。系统将现代计算机技术与传统皮影艺术相结合,使用高效能的基于(R) Atom(TM)平台,结合自主设计的数字控制机械系统,实现了皮影戏的录制、皮影机器人自动演出等功能。针对皮影戏的编排与录制,系统软件提供了动作编辑播放器与剧本编辑播放器,并在其中使用2D物理引擎、BPM探测算法以及动作自耦合算法提高皮影戏编排效率。系统在控制皮影机器人自动演出时,使用空间点对点映射算法保证其运动准确性。系统还提供了普通剧本表演模式与智能即兴表演模式,提高了系统的娱乐性和趣味性。在皮影表演舞台使用高清投影机投射WPF背景动画使得皮影戏的演出效果更为出色。本系统在继承发扬中国传统文化的同时为人们提供了一种全新的视听娱乐方式。本系统可以应用于博物馆、展览厅等各类文化宣传场所。


  Abstract:Shadow Puppet,one of the national intangible cultural heritage, is phasing out of people's attention. To regain people's attention to the Shadow Puppet we designed the shadow puppet play system, which combines the modern computer technology with the traditional shadow puppet art. Using the high-performance embedded platform based on (R) Atom(TM) processor, combine with self-designed digital control mechanical system, the system implemented features including recording the shadow puppet and shadow puppet automatically playing. For arranging and recording the shadow puppet,the system provides action edit player and drama edit player, and uses 2D physical engine,BPM detection algorithm and action coupling algorithm to improve the efficiency of shadow puppet editing . When the system controls shadow puppet robot play automatically,we uses spatial point to point maping algorithm to ensure the accuracy of system. The system also provides normal drama play mode and intelligent improvisation performance mode to make the system more entertaining and interesting. On the shadow puppet play stage the system uses high definition projector casts WPF background animation which makes play effect more outstanding. This system inherits and carries forward the Chinese traditional culture,it also provides people with a new audio-visual entertainment.

  Keywords: Shadow puppet,Digital control,2D physical engine,BPM detecton


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关键词: Intel 嵌入式 处理器



