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2002-08-14 19:15:09 打赏
CENTURA 公司(原RAIMA公司)是嵌入式数据库软件方面的领先者。自1982年以来,RAIMA公司一直针对高性能的数据库开展工作,在建立快速和可靠的数据库方面取得了很大成绩。 AT&T、Anderson Consulting、IBM、DEC、Cabletron、SIMENS、Motorola......都是RAIMA公司的客户。 Specifications centura RDM Database ManagerTM 5.0 Optimize Database Management with the Perfect Solution Why Developers choose Centura’s RDM Database ManagerTM 5.0 ² Utilizing a commercial embeddable DBM speeds development time; software developers can then concentrate on product rather than in-house database development. ² Reduce time to market; cut development costs and time by using a proven, state-of-the art solution. ² Reduce cost of support; Centura specializes in database technology and supports their products 100% Centura RDM Key Features ² Maximize system space use with small footprint; Memory requirement is approximately 200 KB, but is can be higher or lower depending on the operating system and use of RDM features. ² Achieve low-level control with 150 C functions for complete database control. ² Manages a majority of C types including arrays and struts. ² Combine C API calls with C++ class library. ² Cross Platform design supports Windows NT, 2000, and 95/98, Additional Features ² Maximize performance-minimize space requirements –by specifying page and cache size. ² Minimize disk I/O for fast database access with sophisticated cashing scheme. ² Achieve faster results with multi-threaded engine-RDM permits multiple threads of execution in the engine core on most platforms, which results in faster performance. ² Define RDM content and structure with DDL ( Database Definition Language). ² Support multiple users on most platforms with locking functions providing concurrent control and fast processing of lock requests. ² Ensure data integrity-in case of a system failure, the database updates are automatically regenerated from database transaction log. ² Sort and combine multiple fields with a single compound Key. ² Open multiple databases simultaneously. ² Support local –area networks ( LANS), ² Record changes by each successive user with RDM’s timestamp system, which writes a group of related database updates as a unit to a transaction log file and then to the database. Additional Features (con’t.) ² Access Data quickly-RDM supports convenient relational indexed navigation, direct physical record access model and physical disk order retrieval, All three retrieval methods can be used simultaneously. ² Allow the use of native Unicode strings and international character sets on platforms that provide Unicode data types and functions. ² Enjoy ease of use with Award-Winning documentation. Database Specifications Maximum Databases Open Simultaneously: limited only by computer memory Maximum Fields Per record: limited only by maximum record size and available memory Maximum Key Size: 242 Bytes Maximum Objects Per Database: 4,294,967,040 Maximum Objects Per File:16,777,215 [em27]

关键词: 嵌入式 实时 数据库

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