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2003-08-27 06:56:28 打赏
OCDemonTM Devices Supported: Wiggler Raven mpDemon (ethernet/parallel/serial) Running the GNU tools under Windows requires the prior installation of a "UNIX" shell emulator product called CygwinTM. Please download and install CygwinTM before installing the rest of the GNU tools. [URL=http://www.ocdemon.com/Windows98NT/CygwinInstall.exe]DOWNLOAD CYGWINTM[/URL] (1.3.22) During GNU tools installation, files are placed in the following directories: cygwin/usr/local/bin - binary GNU tools + OCDemon binaries cygwin/usr/local/OCDemon -(CpuType) -example - example source & Makefile windows/system - OCDemon support binaries OCDLibremote is a utility that listens on a TCP/IP port and translates GDB monitor commands into Wiggler/Raven/mpDemon JTAG commands. This lets you run your version of GDB which views our interface device as a target monitor accessed via Ethernet. These downloads install our OCDLibRemote and a readme.txt in your /tmp directory. LibRemote Supported CPU Types: ARM7TMDI/ARM9T/NetSIlicon Mips32-4Kc/Mips64-5K/Toshiba TX49/Alchemy 1000,1100,1500 Motorola PowerPC [URL=http://www.ocdemon.com/Windows98NT/ArmElfInstall.exe]DOWNLOAD ARM7T/ARM9T/NetSilicon GNU Toolkit (binutils, gcc 2.95.3,Insight 5.2.1,OCDLibRemote) [/URL] [align=right][color=#000066][此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-26 22:56:55编辑过][/color][/align]

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2003-08-27 06:59:00 打赏
[color=#DC143C]Step-by-step installation instructions for CygwinTM under Windows 95/98/NT/2000[/color] Run CygwinInstallation.exe The last step in the Installation will be to start the Cygwin Net Release Setup Program (setup.exe). You should do the following during this process: Screen 1 "Cygwin Setup": Click Next button Screen 2 "Cygwin Setup": Select the "Install from Current Directory" option Click Next button Screen 3 "Local Package Directory": Click Next Button Screen 4 "Cygwin Setup": Set "Select Install Root Directory" = (YOUR DRIVE):\cygwin Set "Default Text File Type" = DOS Set "Install For" = Just Me Click Next button Screen 5 "Cygwin Setup - Select Packages to Install" Click Next button Screen 6: Check "Create Desktop Icon" checkbox Check "Add to Start Menu" checkbox Click Next button A Cygwin icon will be placed on your system’s desktop and in its Start-Programs list Clicking on the CYGWIN icon will start a shell window running under the Cygwin environment. NOTE: Once the Cygwin installation has completed, the intermediate files located in Program Files\Macraigor Systems\CygwinInstallation can be deleted. [color=#FF1493]Step-by-step installation instructions for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 ARM7TMDI GNU Toolkit[/color] NOTE: PRIOR TO RUNNING THIS INSTALLATION: - CYGWINTM MUST BE INSTALLED ON YOUR SYSTEM - WINDOWS NT USERS SHOULD LOG IN AS ADMINISTRATOR Run ArmElfInstallation.exe This Installation adds the ARM7TMDI GNU Toolkit to an existing Cywin environment. It assumes that the base directory you specify in InstallShield is the same directory that contains the CYGWIN’s: bin/ ect/ home/ lib/ sbin/ usr/ var/ directories The following directories are created/augmented: /usr/local/bin /usr/local/arm-elf/bin /usr/local/arm-elf/OCDemon-arm-example /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/arm-elf/... The arm-elf tools are added to /usr/local/bin each has "arm-elf-" added to the tool name (ie arm-elf-gdb and arm-elf-gcc) to differentiate it from the x86 versions of the same commands. Construct and debug the provided example application: Enter a Cygwin "bash shell" by clicking on the CYGWIN icon cd /usr/local/arm-elf/OCDemon-arm-example Verify that the section address values in ldscript are correct for your board. Several example ldscripts are provided. make Verify that the board initialization sequence in gdb.ini is correct for your board. Several example gdb.ini files are provided. arm-elf-gdb (brings up the Insight windowed version of GDB) or arm-elf-gdb -nw (brings up the traditional command line GDB) [align=right][color=#000066][此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-26 23:00:12编辑过][/color][/align]

2003-08-27 07:02:00 打赏
以上内容转自http://www.ocdemon.com [align=right][color=#000066][此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-26 23:02:46编辑过][/color][/align]

2003-08-27 07:06:00 打赏

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