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2011-03-15 14:34:06 打赏
首届IASTED机器人技术, 远程信息处理与应用
Contributed byAnonymouson: 星期二 02 六月 @ 07:33:51

首届IASTED机器人技术, 远程信息处理与应用国际会议
~RTA 2009~

中国 北京

2009 年10 月12 日- 14 日


首届IASTED机器人技术, 远程信息处理与应用国际会议
~RTA 2009~

中国 北京

2009 年10 月12 日- 14 日

主办者: 加拿大国际科技发展学会 (IASTED)
* 机器人技术委员会
* 电信技术委员会

协办者: 中国, 清华大学




"Precision Telematics and Micro-manipulation"

Prof. Tong Heng Lee (Singapore)
Professor & Cluster Head (Control Systems)
Dept of ECE, National University of Singapore
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, IFAC Mechatronics International Journal


本次会议将围绕机器人技术, 远程信息处理与应用的主题,为机器人技术, 远程信息处理与应用提供一个相互交流,沟通与合作的国际平台。

在北京与本会议同期举行的IASTED 国际会议还有:

? 亚洲地区电力和能源系统 (Asia PES 2009)
? 建模, 仿真和鉴定技术 (MSI 2009)
? 通信系统, 网络及其应用 (CSNA 2009)
? 管理科学与风险评估及改进国际会议(AMSRA 2009)

论文题目包括, 但不仅限于以下内容:

? Robot Design and Architecture
? Programming
? Artificial Intelligence
? Modelling, Identification, and Control
? Motion Planning and Scheduling
? Path Planning
? Control
? Manipulators
? Computer Vision
? Pattern Recognition
? Robot Sensing and Data Fusion
? Micro-Robotics
? Multimedia Robotics
? Robot Simulation
? Biomimetic Robotics
? Telerobotics
? Telemaintenance, Tele-Services, Tele-Medicine
? Traffic Telematics
? Facility Management
? Telematics in Education (E-learning)
? Security Aspects
? Vehicle Telematics
Communication and Information Processing
? Distributed Information Systems
? Universal Mobile Telecommunication Systems (UMTS)
? Quality of Service
? Security Aspects
? Internet Techniques
? Sensor Networks
? Aerospace
? Agricultural Applications
? Automotives
? Biomechanics
? Biomedical
? Education
? Flight Simulators
? Health Care and Rehabilitation
? Industrial Automation
? Industrial Automation
? Manufacturing
? Medical Robotics
? Surgical Applications
? Unmanned and Underwater Vehicles
? Personal Robots
? Social Robots
? Other

? A. Alimi - University of Sfax, Tunisia, Tunisia
? T. Arai - The University of Tokyo, Japan
? F. Arrichiello - Università degli Studi di Cassino, Italy
? D.P. Barnes - Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom
? V. Becerra - University of Reading, United Kingdom
? J. Billingsley - University of Southern Queensland, Australia
? T. Bräunl - University of Western Australia, Australia
? J.A. Castellanos - Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
? K. Chen - Tsinghua University, PR China
? J. Dias - University of Coimbra Polo II, Portugal
? A. Doulamis - Technical University of Crete Chania, Greece
? N. Elkmann - Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation, Germany
? A. Elnagar - University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
? R. Faglia - State University of Brescia, Italy
? S. Feng - Imperial College London, United Kingdom
? S. Fischer - University of Luebeck, Germany
? T. Fukuda - Nagoya University, Japan
? L.A. Gerhardt - Rensselaer Polytechnic Insitute, USA
? A.A. Goldenberg - University of Toronto, Canada
? J.L. Gonzalez Sanchez - Dpto. De Ingenieria de Sistemas y Automatica, Spain
? P. Gorce - University of Toulon, France
? F. Groen - University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
? J. Gu - Dalhousie University, Canada
? Z.J. Haas - Cornell University, USA
? H. Hagras - University of Essex, UK, United Kingdom
? A. Halme - Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
? H. Hellbrück - University of Applied Sciences, Germany
? M.K. Hor - National Chengchi University, Taiwan
? T.R. Hsiang - National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
? I. Kabashkin - Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Latvia
? S. Kazadi - Jisan Research Institute, USA
? A. Khajepour - University of Waterloo, Canada
? J. Kolar - Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
? R. Kornbluh - SRI International, USA
? B. Lantos - Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
? T.H. Lee - National University of Singapore, Singapore
? P. Liu - Carleton University, Canada
? R.V. Mayorga - University of Regina, Canada
? D.B. Megherbi - University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA
? P. Mitrouchev - Joseph Fourier University, France
? M. Nahon - McGill University, Canada
? N. Nariman-zadeh - Guilan University, Iran
? H.G. Nguyen - Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific, USA
? G.L. Nicolas - Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
? E. Papadopoulos - National Technical University of Athens, Greece
? I. Paromtchik - INRIA, France
? G. Parr - University of Ulster, United Kingdom
? G.R. Pennock - Purdue University, USA
? S.G. Ponnambalam - Monash University, Malaysia
? D. Popescu - University of Craiova, Romania
? L. Preucil - Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
? A. Preumont - Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
? Z. Qu - University of Central Florida, USA, USA
? A. Ramirez-Serrano - University of Calgary, Canada
? R.C. Richardson - University of Leeds, United Kingdom
? R.G. Roberts - Florida State University, USA
? B.S. Ryuh - Chonbuk National University, Korea
? G. Sandini - Italian Institute of Technology, Italy
? T. Sanguankotchakorn - Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
? K. Schilling - Julius-Maximilians-University, Germany
? C. Schindelhauer - University of Freiburg, Germany
? B. Shirinzadeh - Monash University, Australia
? B. Singh - Lakehead University, Canada
? J.J. Slotine - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
? T.M. Sobh - University of Bridgeport, USA
? E. Stella - C.N.R. - Institute on Intelligent Systems, Italy
? C.Y. Su - Concordia University, Canada
? Q. Sun - University of Calgary, Canada
? T. Takahashi - Fukushima University, Japan
? M. Tan - Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Science, PR. China
? M.O. Tokhi - University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
? M. Trabia - University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
? M. Vainio - Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
? L. Villani - Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
? M. Vukobratovic - University of Belgrade, Serbia
? G. Wang - Sun Yat-Sen University, PR China
? K. Watanabe - Saga University, Japan
? M. Wilson - University of Wales, United Kingdom
? R. Wolff - Montana State University, USA
? P.Y. Woo - Northern Illinois University, USA
? D. Xu - Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Science, PR. China
? J.S. Yang - University of Minnesota, USA
? J. Yang - Texas Tech University, USA
? S.X. Yang - University of Guelph, Canada
? J. Zhang - University of Hamburg, Germany
? Z. Zhang - University of Exeter, United Kingdom


论文将提交给至少两个学术委员会委员进行评审. 会议主席将作出最后决定是否接受或拒绝该论文。所有提交的论文必须未发表过,在评审期间不能被其他刊物考虑发表。

提交您的最后定稿请通过电子邮件发送至:finalpapers@iasted.org注意: 最后定稿的主题行必须包括您的6位数论文文件号码. 最后定稿的论文页数最多为8页(它将被包括在正常的会议注册费内), 字号大小为10号, 字体为Times New Roman. 对论文超过8页的页数或者附加的论文将加收适当版面费. 格式请严格遵守:http://www.iasted.org/formatting-final.htm


? Cambridge Scientific Abstracts
? Conference Proceedings Citation Index
? EI工程索引
? FIZ Karlsruhe卡尔斯鲁厄专业信息中心
? INSPEC物理学,电子技术及计算机控制技术情报服务中心

2009年7月3日 论文初稿投稿截止时间
2009年7月29 日 发出论文录用通知时间
2009年8月 21日 最后定稿截止时间
2009年8月28日 会议注册登记截止时间

如果您有任何问题或想了解更多信息, 请联系(并请标明RTA 2009 ):


关键词: 机器人 展会 学术会议 University Ca

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