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2011-06-29 09:55:50 打赏


Another technique for determining a PV material’s resistivity is the van der Pauw method. It involves applying a current and measuring the resulting voltage using four small contacts on the circumference of a flat, arbitrarily shaped PV material sample of uniform thickness. The spacing of the four probes is not critical, making this approach useful for small samples where the probes can’t be evenly placed.


Eight voltage measurements are required in the van der Pauw resistivity measurement method. The measurements, V1through V8, are made around the periphery of the material sample as shown inFig 7.


Fig 7.Van der Pauw resistivity conventions.


Two values of resistivity are then found from the eight measurements, according to

ρA= (π/ln2)(fAts)[(V1– V2+V3– V4)/4I]

ρB= (π/ln2)(fBts)[(V5– V6+V7– V8)/4I]

其中,ρAρB分别是两个体积电阻率的值,ts=样本厚度,单位是cmV1– V8是测得的电压,单位是VI=流过光伏材料[2]样品的电流,单位是AfAfB是基于样本对称性的几何系数,它们与两个电阻比值QAQB相关,如下所示:

where ρAand ρB= the two values of volume resistivity, ts= the sample thickness in cm, V1– V8are the measured voltages in V, I = the current through the photovoltaic material sample in A, and fAand fB= the geometric factors based on sample symmetry and are related to the two resistance ratios, QAand QB, by

QA= (V1– V2)/(V3– V4)

QB= (V5– V6)/(V7– V8)


Once the values of ρAand ρBare known, the average resistivity (ρAVG) can be found from

ρAVG= (ρA+ ρB)/2


Errors in high resistivity measurements can arise from a number of sources, including electrostatic interference, leakage current, temperature, and carrier injection. Electrostatic interference occurs when an electrically charged object is brought near the sample. To minimize these effects, the sample should be properly shielded to avoid external charges. The shield can be made from a conductive material and should be properly grounded by connecting the shield to the low terminal of the measuring instrument. Low-noise shielded cables should also be used in the voltage measurements. Leakage current can degrade the measurement accuracy on high resistance samples. The leakage current is due to the cables, probes, and test fixtures and can be minimized by using high-quality insulators, minimizing humidity, and by enabling guarded measurements, including the use of triax cables.



[3]如何应对测试系统中引起电流测量误差的内外部偏置电流? http://www.keithley.com.cn/llm/a/9.html [4]利用静电屏蔽降低静电干扰? http://www.keithley.com.cn/llm/a/22.html

关键词: 光伏 电池 电气 性能 评测 范德 电阻率 测量

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