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2011-07-13 10:34:06 打赏

Many tests require sourcing a known current and measuring a voltage; others require sourcing a voltage and measuring the resulting current. Therefore, high speed test instrumentation with integrated, synchronized sourcing and measuring capabilities is ideal for these types of tests.


Forward Voltage Test
In an LED test sequence, the forward voltage (VF) test verifies the forward operating voltage of the visible LED. When a forward current is applied to the diode, it begins to conduct. During the initial low current source values, the voltage drop across the diode increases rapidly, but the slope begins to level off as drive currents increase. The diode normally operates in this region of relatively constant voltage. It is also quite useful to test the diode under these operating conditions. The VFtest is performed by sourcing a known current and measuring the resulting voltage drop across the diode. Typical test currents range from tens of milliamps to amps, while the resulting voltage measurement is typically in the range of a few volts. Some manufacturers use the results of this test for binning purposes because the forward voltage is related to the chromaticity (the quality of color characterized by its dominant or complementary wavelength and purity taken together) of the LED.






关键词: 生产 环境 下高 亮度 精度高 性价比 测试 正向

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