电子产品世界» 论坛首页» 嵌入式开发» FPGA» 【应用笔记】AN531:使用硬件加速器降低功耗(AN 531: Reducing

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【应用笔记】AN531:使用硬件加速器降低功耗(AN 531: Reducing Power with Hardware Accelerators)

2012-05-26 13:19:49 打赏
【应用笔记】AN531:使用硬件加速器降低功耗(AN 531: Reducing Power with Hardware Accelerators)
Reducing power consumption in embedded products that use FPGAs is
increasingly important, particularly for battery-powered applications or
to reduce heat or cost. You can use parallel algorithms to exploit the
parallel architecture of FPGA devices to accomplish more work per clock
cycle, allowing you to lower the clock frequency. High-level development
tools such as SOPC Builder and the Nios® II C-to-Hardware Acceleration
Compiler (C2H) can help you use the power-saving potential of the FPGA
hardware by easily adding hardware accelerators and lowering clock

关键词: 应用 笔记 AN531 使用 硬件 加速器 降低

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