电子产品世界» 论坛首页» 综合技术» 测试测量» 【应用笔记】光伏电池电气性能的评测——电阻率与霍尔电压的测量

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2012-06-08 18:14:04 打赏


The resistivity of the PV cell material can be determined by means of sourcing current and measuring voltage using a four-probe approach,
either the four-point collinear probe technique or the van der Pauw method.


For making measurements using a four-point collinear probe, two probes are used to connect the current source and two probes are used to measure the voltage drop across the photovoltaic material. When the thickness of the PV material is known, the volume resistivity (ρ) can be calculated as

ρ = (π/ln2)(V/I)(tk)

其中,ρ =体积电阻率,单位是Ωcm,V=测得的电压,单位是V,I=源电流,单位是A,t=样本厚度,单位是cm,k=校正系数,取决于探针与晶圆直径的比例以及晶圆厚度与探针间距的比例。

where ρ = the volume resistivity in Ohms-cm, V = the measured voltage in V, I = the source current in A, t = the sample thickness in cm, k = a correction factor based on the ratio of the probe to the wafer diameter and on the ratio of wafer thickness to probe separation

关键词: 应用 笔记 光伏 电池 电气 性能 评测 电阻率

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