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2004-05-12 19:28:19 打赏
Ongoing Requirements Discovery in High-Integrity Systems
by Robyn R. Lutz and Inés Carmen Mikulski,
pp. 19–25. The discovery of new requirements
and new requirements knowledge
continues throughout the lifetime of
many high-integrity embedded systems.
Anomaly reports from testing and operations
on eight spacecraft at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory revealed four mechanisms
for how we discover and resolve requirements.
Understanding these mechanisms
identifies guidelines to help prevent anomalies
found during testing from recurring
during operations. IEEE.Software.Magazine.vol21.no2.Mar.Apr.2004[align=right][color=#000066][此贴子已经被作者于2004-5-12 11:32:01编辑过][/color][/align]

关键词: 文章 高集成 集成 嵌入式 系统 不断 需求 发现

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