电子产品世界» 论坛首页» 嵌入式开发» MCU» 请教:Intel的网络芯片82559和82559er之间的区别??

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2002-12-05 00:23:20 打赏
我知道一点:vendor ID不一样。我用82559er的驱动程序来驱动82559,修改vendor ID后,可以正确找到设备,驱动也可以挂上去,但不稳定,有时可以正常下载vxworks映象,可经常出 “Failed to start device fei Can't load boot file!!” 这个错误。我不清楚这个错误是什么原因引起的。我估计是驱动不兼容造成的。我想问一下它们之间有何不同???(不要骂我太懒哦) 先谢了!!

关键词: 请教 Intel 网络 芯片 82559 8255

2002-12-05 00:36:00 打赏
我在网上找到一点线索: --------------------------------------- The 82559ER is a subset of the 82559. The feature the 82559ER misses in comparison to 82559: - No CardBus and modem support, as the 82559 has a internel PCMCIA/CardBus controller - Some restriction in WOL - New Device ID 1209 for 82559ER, I think 82559 has Device ID 1229 For a "normal" user, there is NO relevant differece between the two chip derivates. The only point is, that chip ID of 1209 instead of the 1229, which often older drivers do not recognize. For this I often patch the chip ID (for test purpose) or I add the new ID to be tested from the driver. ----------------------------------- 意思是说有点差别,但对于一般的用户来说,只要将device id改了就可以了。唉,不知道是不是我的硬件有问题哦,毕竟是200来脚的BGA封装呀。。。

2002-12-25 23:39:00 打赏
两种芯片的驱动不一样,82559就用vxworks库中自带的。设备名"fei"。 82559ER的驱动你取下载吧。设备名"eeE"。

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