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谁有µC/OS-II Kernel Awareness (KA) Plug-In for IAR's C-SPY Debugger?

2005-03-25 00:12:33 打赏

µC/OS-II Kernel Awareness (KA) Plug-In for IAR's C-SPY Debugger

µC/OS-II Kernel Awareness Plug-In allows you to display µC/OS-II's internal data structures in a convenient series of Windows integrated with the C SPY Debugger within the IAR Embedded Workbench. This provides you with information about each of the active tasks in the target application, about each semaphore, mutex, mailbox, queue and event flag group along with a list of all the tasks waiting on these kernel objects, and more. This can become very useful to the embedded developer when testing and debugging applications.

The IAR Embedded Workbench is a powerful Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that allows you to develop and manage a complete embedded application project for a variety of target processors in a convenient Windows interface. This IDE is the framework where all necessary tools are integrated: a C/EC++ compiler, an assembler, a linker, an editor, a project manager, and the C SPY Debugger.

µC/OS-II Kernel Awareness Features

µC/OS-II-KA allows you to view the following information as you are debugging your µC/OS-II based product:

" The address of the TCB of each task " The name of each task " The status (Ready, delayed, waiting on event) of each task " The number of ticks remaining for a timeout or if a task is delayed " The amount of stack space used and left for each task " The percentage of CPU time each task relative to all the tasks " The number of times each task has been 'switched-in' " The execution profile of each task " More.

µC/OS-II Task List

µC/OS-II-KA allows you to view information about each task that you have created:

" The task name (if you assigned a name to each task) " The task priority " The status (Ready, delayed, waiting on event) of each task " The number of ticks remaining for a timeout or if a task is delayed " The event that the task is waiting for (if the task is waiting) " How many times the task has been 'switched-in' " The current location of the Stack Pointer (SP) for the task " The amount of stack space used and left for each task " More.

The screen shot below shows you the information displayed for each task. The columns can be sorted and, the stack information can be removed to reduce the amount of information presented to you.

µC/OS-II Semaphore List

µC/OS-II-KA allows you to view information about each semaphore that you have created:

" The semaphore name (if you assigned a name to each semaphore) " The semaphore value (i.e. its count) " A list of tasks waiting for each semaphore (with their name) " The address of the OS_EVENT structure

The screen shots below shows you the information displayed for each semaphore. The columns can be sorted.

Other µC/OS-II Lists

Similar to the semahore list, µC/OS-II-KA allows you to view information about each:

" Mutual Exclusion Semaphore " Event Flag group " Message Mailbox " Message Queue " Memory Partition

Status Information

A window displays status information as shown on the screen shot below.

Configuration Constants

A window displays information about the current configuration. This data is obtained fromOS_CFG.Hand conveniently displayed. Columns can be sorted in either ascending or descending order.

CPUs Supported

The µC/OS-II KA assumes that you haveµC/OS-II V2.62or higher. The IAR Embedded Workbench that are compatible with µC/OS-II KA are as follows (note that µC/OS-II KA will work will all of them without change). The reason why some of the targets not currently supported is because IAR needs to add Kernel Awareness to C-SPY for those targets:

Manufacturer Processor AvailabilityARMAll licenseesNOW!AtmelAVRJune 2003HitachiH8July 2003Intel8051December 2003MitsubishiM16C/80NOW!MitsubishiM32CNOW!Texas InstrumentsMSP430February 2003

关键词: 谁有 micro OS-II Kernel Awa

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