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2005-04-27 04:09:16 打赏
发信站: BBS 哈工大紫丁香站 (Wed Apr 13 17:58:49 2005) 1、 Ericsson GSM Systems      http://www.ericsson.com/wireless/products/mobsys/gsm/gsm.shtml      offers codes, logos, software, schematics, and other mobile accessorie s 2、 GSM List      http://kbs.cs.tu-berlin.de/~jutta/gsm/gsm-list.html      GSM operators and network codes by country. 3、 GSMData      http://www.gsmdata.com/      knowledge base and how-to guide for using GSM data with Mobile PCs. 4、 GSMinfo      http://www.nogi.net/gsm/      an introduction to GSM, including information on Ericsson products and melodies. 5、 Intel's GSM Data Knowledge Site      http://www.gsmdata.com/      6、 Mobil Server      http://www.mobilserver.com/      search engine for GSM and related links. Includes phone info, manufact urers, operators and more. 7、 Overview of GSM      http://kbs.cs.tu-berlin.de/~jutta/gsm/js-intro.html      by John Scourias, University of Waterloo. 8、 ZSP Signal Processing      http://www.zsp.com/indexswf.htm      Audio signal and digital signal processing hardware and solutions from LSI Logic. Includes dsp communications solutions, IP cores, and VOIP products 9、 电子爱好者      http://www.etuni.com/     提供电子技术应用、推广和交流信息。 10、 电子工程专辑      http://www.eetchina.com/     提供工程师产业要闻、技术趋势以及技术文章和应用指南。 11、 电子管      http://member.netease.com/~aseng/     介绍电子管知识,电路。 12、 电子技术      http://flxjh.tongtu.net/     提供电子资料及网络技术。 13、 全国期刊联合目录     查找国内信息单位收藏期刊 14、 EE Compendium      http://ee.cleversoul.com/      The home of electronic engineering and embedded systems programming li nks. 15、 EE/CS Mother Site      http://soe.stanford.edu/soe/ieee/eesites.html      Links to EE/CS corporations, organizations, and other EE/CS lists. 16、 International Communication Association Online      http://www.icahdq.org/      17、 International Consulting Services (ICS)      http://www.ics-corp.com/      18、 Internet Business's International      http://www.ibui.net/      19、 PINET Plus      http://www.aip.org/pinet      the physicist's home office on the Web: research libraries, newsroom, communications center, conference hall, electronic journals, and publication e arly-alert services. 20、 Sendo      http://www.sendo.co.uk/index_flash.html      offers design and development of GSM mobile phones and other mobile co mmunication devices 21、 Simlocked GSM      http://www.simlock.com      contains information on phone, networks, software, manufacturers, and wap. 22、 Technology Development Activities (ECRC)      http://www.tda.ecrc.ctc.com/      researches and develops electronic commerce related solutions and prod ucts to small and medium sized businesses as well as the civil/military indust rial base. 23、 WebEE - The Electrical Engineering Homepage      http://www.web-ee.com/      - provides links to electronic device manufacturers, career sites, too ls, and more. Posts schematics and electronic design information. 24、 多为电子      http://www.dovivi.com/     提供电子技术应用,专用集成电路,可编程逻辑及单片机。 25、 国际电气电子工程中心      http://www.ieeec.com/default.htm     提供电子、电气、计算机、网络信息交流。 26、 国际科学无线电学联合会 (URSI)      http://www.intec.rug.ac.be/ursi/     设有在线数据库、电子读物、网上论坛、站点导航、专题信息等栏目。 27、 国家电力信息网      http://www.sp.com.cn/     设有世界电力、中国电力、电力法规、各地电力、电力新闻等信息 28、 国家高技术研究发展计划      http://www.863.org.cn/     介绍863计划及中国高科技的研究与发展。 29、 精致工作室      http://www.betechway.com/     提供振铃电路、拨号电路、手柄电路、免提电路和数字电视等相关知识。 30、 可编程逻辑器件      http://www.fpga.com.cn/     介绍CPLD/FPGA技术。

关键词: 电子学 通信 实用 网站 集粹

2005-04-27 04:10:00 打赏
31、 联合科技成果信息网      http://www.cust.com.cn/     包含科技成果,科研院所,人才市场及相关法规信息。 32、 美国航空电子学校      http://www.aesa.com/      33、 免费电子网      http://www.freelogic.net/     介绍数字逻辑电路、单片机及数字信号处理。 34、 纳米科技网      http://www.nanotech.com.cn/     介绍纳米技术的新闻、发展及知识。 35、 首都科技网      http://www.bast.cn.net/     包括学术团体,活动,科技普及,咨询及发明信息。 36、 信洪电子      http://cxh.3322.net/     提供电子和电脑类杂志目录、显示器维修和音频集成电路典型应用电路图等资料。 37、 中国产学研联合网      http://www.iurpp.net.cn/     国家产学研政策、合作案例、科技成果信息。 38、 中国电子标准与质量信息网      http://www.cesi.ac.cn/      39、 中国电子行业信息网      http://www.cci.cn.net/ver2/txbzh/txbzh.html     该网站设有信息苑、商务服务、专项咨询、专业分网、光盘服务、市场研究、知名 企业等栏目。 40、 中国电子元器件行业信息网      http://www.ic-ceca.org.cn/      41、 中国高校科技网      http://www.unitech.net.cn/     提供全国各高校科技信息的检索 42、 中国工程技术电子信息网      http://www.electron.cetin.net.cn     《计算机世界》、《网络世界》、《微电脑世界》、《IT经理世界》、《中国电子 报》、《通信产业报》、《BEAI-IT快讯》、《电子与信息化》、《电子知识产权》全文检 索库,电子科技文摘、电子厂商查询、电子产品查询在线数据库。 43、 中国工程技术信息网      http://www.cetin.net.cn/     设有在线数据库、电子读物、网上论坛、站点导航、专题信息等栏目。 44、 中国科技网      http://www.cnc.ac.cn/     含科技新闻、科研条件、成果、数据及科普资料。 45、 中国通信网      http://www.c114.net/      46、 中国星火计划      http://www.cnsp.org.cn/     介绍中国星火计划实施概况、任务、宗旨、相关政策和技术。 47、 中华人民共和国科学技术部      http://www.most.gov.cn      48、 中华人民共和国信息产业部      http://www.mii.gov.cn/      49、 Bell Labs Technical Journal      http://www.lucent.com/minds/techjournal/findex.html      50、 Circuit Cellar INK      http://www.circellar.com/      Written by engineers, for engineers. 51、 Communications News      http://comnews.com/      52、 Communications Systems Design      http://www.csdmag.com/      53、 Consulting-Specifying Engineer      http://www.csemag.com/      54、 Electronic Component Magazine      http://www.ecnmag.com/      55、 Electronic Component News      http://www.tradepub.com/free/ecn/      published 12 times a year for design engineers. It"s the only product magazine written for the electronic original equipment marketplace. FREE subsc ription for qualified professionals. 56、 Electronic Design Online      http://www.elecdesign.com/      57、 Electronic Green Journal      http://egj.lib.uidaho.edu/      58、 Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering      http://geotech.civen.okstate.edu/ejge/index.htm      59、 Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction (Itcon)      http://www.itcon.org/      60、 Electronic News On-line      http://www.electronicnews.com/     

2005-04-27 04:11:00 打赏
61、 Electronic Products      http://www.electronicproducts.com/      62、 Electronic Products      http://www.electronicproducts.com/      reports on developments in products and technology for the design engi neer. Contains a searchable archive, forums for questions and solutions, and m ore. 63、 Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis      http://etna.mcs.kent.edu/     数字分析电子学报   64、 Electronics Design, Technology and News Network      http://www.edtn.com/      65、 Electronics Weekly Hyperactive      http://www.electronicsweekly.co.uk/      66、 European Semiconductor      http://www.eurosemi.co.uk/      monthly specialist publication dedicated to the semiconductor manufact uring sector.(monthly) 67、 IEE Proceedings - Circuits, Devices and Systems      http://www.iee.org.uk/publish/journals/profjrnl/cntncds.html     由IEE主办的会议,可以看到会议论文集的目次 68、 IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine      http://users.erols.com/circuits/      Mission: to publish timely, readable, and understandable material with a focus on educational and scientific manuscripts geared to Circuits and Syst ems Society, Electron Devices Society and Lasers and Electro-Optics Society. 69、 IEEE Multimedia      http://www.computer.org/multimedia/      70、 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics      http://www.trans-ie.uni-wuppertal.de/      It's scope encompasses all practical aspects of theory and methods of electronics, control systems and instrumentation for industrial applications. An IES Publication. 71、 Imaging technology process and technology research.      http://www.imagingprofessional.com/      A fact-based electronic publication for conducting professional-level research, analysis, and investigation of available imaging technologies. 72、 Integrated Communications Design Magazine      http://icd.pennwellnet.com/home.cfm      Communications equipment design and development of electronics, fiber optics and embedded software for carrier and enterprise developers in the tele communications and data-communications market 73、 Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication      http://www.ascusc.org/jcmc/      74、 Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research      http://nsr.mij.mrs.org/      Peer-reviewed archival internet journal covering advances in research on nitride semiconductors. 75、 Medical Electronics Manufacturing      http://www.devicelink.com/mem/      Provides news and information for people who design, manufacture, and market, medical devices. Searchable directories of companies in the U.S. And o verseas who supply components, equipment, materials, and services to manufactu res of medical products. 76、 Microwave Journal (MWJ)      http://www.mwjournal.com/      77、 Microwaves & RF      http://www.microwavesrf.com/      Engineering publication targeting RF & microwaves, circuit components, sub systems, etc. 78、 Newton's International Electrical Journal      http://www.electrician.com/      ask your national electrical code, wiring, and electrician questions. 79、 Portable Design - Mobile Computing and Communications Strategies      http://pd.pennwellnet.com/home.cfm      Providing portable design strategies for designers and engineers of mo bile computers, communications and handheld devices. Includes PDA's, palmtops, notebooks, laptops, cell phones, pagers and peripherals. 80、 Semiconductor Fabtech Online      http://www.fabtech.org/      review of new technological developments in the semiconductor industry . 81、 Semiconductor Online      http://www.semiconductoronline.com/content/homepage/default.asp?VNE...      News service for the semiconductor industry. 82、 Semiconductor.Net      http://www.semiconductor.net/      semiconductor manufacturing industry resource for products, services a nd information 83、 SMT in Focus      http://www.smtinfocus.com/      contains technical papers, buyers guide, and exhibition calendar. 84、 SMT Magazine Online      http://smt.pennnet.com/home.cfm      Covers surface mount technology used in the design, manufacture, assem bly, testing and outsourcing of printed circuit boards and other electronics. 85、 Solid State Technology      http://sst.pennwellnet.com/home.cfm      Magazine for semiconductor manufacturing and wafer fabrication 86、 Telecommunications Electronic Reviews      http://www.lita.org/ter/      87、 Telecommunications Magazine      http://www.telecoms-mag.com/      88、 The Journal of the International Informatics Institute      http://www.electric-pages.com/      89、 U.S. Tech Interactive      http://www.us-tech.com/      On-line magazine 90、 Wireless Integration      http://wi.pennnet.com/home/home.cfm      Building Wireless Integrated Systems - Online source for wireless comm unications hardware, software, and service for networking decision-makers. Inc ludes products and trends for cell phones, pagers, mobile computers, and PDAs

2005-04-27 04:12:00 打赏
91、 Wireless Systems Design      http://www.wsdmag.com/      an engineering publication to provide practical state-of-the art desig n solutions for engineers and engineering managers 92、 电子机械工程      http://www.jsu.cetin.net.cn/nriet/dzjx1.htm      93、 电子知识产权      http://www.electron.cetin.net.cn/      94、 无线电工程      95、 中国电力报      http://www.cepn.sp.com.cn/webroot/      96、 中国电业      http://www.cepn.sp.com.cn/webroot/zgdy2/default.htm      97、 The Fabless Semiconductor Association(FSA)      http://www.fsa.org/      supports the ongoing relationship between companies and suppliers, dis seminates data, and encourages the creation, adoption, and implementation of s tandards and policies for the fabless model. 98、 Association for Recorded Sound Collections      http://www.arsc-audio.org/      dedicated to research, study, and information exchange concerning reco rdings and recorded sound and the awareness of recorded sound as part of any c ultural heritage. 99、 AT&T贝尔实验室      http://www.research.att.com/      100、 Belgian Electrotechnical Committee      http://www.bec-ceb.be/contents.htm      101、 Center for High Frequency Electronics, UCLA      http://www.chfe.ee.ucla.edu/      The Center for High Frequency Electronics is located in the Electrical Engineering Department at UCLA. The facility is available primarily to facult y, researchers and industrial affiliates for research that requires state-of-t he-art design 102、 Center for Information & Communications Technology Research      http://cictr.ee.psu.edu/      103、 Center For Signal And Image Processing at Georgia Tech      http://www.ece.gatech.edu/research/brochure/dsp.html      The Georgia Tech centre for signal and image processing is at the fore front of research and education in Digital signal processing (DSP) 104、 Centre for Communications Engineering      http://www.ether.ulst.ac.uk/      Research and consultancy services in radio communications, bioelectrom agnetics, mobile and broadband data and medical Based at the University of Uls ter, UK. 105、 Collaboratory for Research on Electronic Work at the School of Informati on, University of Michigan      http://intel.si.umich.edu/crew/      research unit focusing on the design of new organizations and how the technologies of voice, data, and videocommunication make them possible. 106、 Consortium for Global Electronic Commerce      http://www.cgec.org/default.shtml      university-industry endeavor for education, research and transfer of E -Commerce technologies. 107、 Electric Power, Inc.      http://www.elecpwr.com/      EPI is a company which offers a diverse group of services all of which pertain to power systems. Among these are System Analysis, Electrical Testing , Power Systems Studies, Design, Repair and Maintenance. 108、 Electrical Generating Systems Association (EGSA)      http://www.egsa.org/      trade association related to on-site electrical power generation. Site contains industry news, calendars, standards, links, and more. 109、 Eugene A. Fitzgerald's Research Group - MIT      http://sauvignon.mit.edu/      research in materials for electronic and optoelectronic applications s uch as optical interconnects, displays, optical storage, and printing. 110、 European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC)      http://www.cenelec.org/      coordinates voluntary electrotechnical standards in Europe. 111、 Georgia Tech Interconnect Focus Center      http://www.ifc.gatech.edu/org.shtml      The overarching goal of the proposed research program is to discover a nd invent new solutions that will enable the US semiconductor industry to tran scend known limits on interconnections that would otherwise decelerate or halt the historical rate of progr 112、 GSM Association      http://www.gsmworld.com/      responsible for the development, deployment and evolution of the Globa l System for Mobile Communication (GSM) standard for digital wireless communic ations and for the promotion of the GSM platform. 113、 IEEE signal processing society      http://www.ieee.org/organizations/society/sp/index.html      The Signal Processing Society's areas of interest are the theory and a pplication of filtering, coding, transmitting, estimating, detecting, analyzin g, recognizing, synthesizing, recording, and reproducing signals by digital or analog devices or technique 114、 Image Processing Group at King's College London      http://www.ph.kcl.ac.uk/      Information on current research projects, a list of group publications and people involved. Finaly post-graduate courses in Imaging and Digital Imag e Processing at King's College London 115、 IMEC      http://www.imec.be/      Microelectronics research and development service specializing in SOC, ULSI and VLSI platforms. 116、 Instrumentation and Signal Processing Group      http://www.cyber.rdg.ac.uk/ISP/home.htm      The work of the ISP research group is directed towards the development and use of new instrumentation and techniques for the acquisition and process ing of information from both natural and man-made signal sources. 117、 Integrated Electronics Laboratory, Hanyang Unversity      http://iel.hanyang.ac.kr/      Researches characterizations, modeling, and design issues associated w ith high-speed VLSI circuits, IC packaging and interconnects, and RF circuits. 118、 International Communications Association      http://icanet.com/      119、 International Communications Group      http://www.intcomgrp.com/      120、 International Electrotechnical Commission      http://www.iec.ch/      international standards and conformity assessment body for all fields of electrotechnology.

2005-04-27 04:13:00 打赏
121、 International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD)      http://www.iicd.org/      122、 International Institute of Communications      http://www.iicom.org/      123、 International Interactive Communications Society (IICS)      http://www4.interaccess.com/iics/      124、 International Mobile Content Services      http://imocos.com/main1/m1_sub1.php3      125、 International Semiconductor Technologies      http://www.ist.com/      126、 International Teleconferencing Association (ITCA)      http://www.itca.org/      127、 LeRC - ACTS - Advanced Communication Technology Satellite      http://acts.lerc.nasa.gov/      128、 LeRC - Space Electronics Division      http://sulu.lerc.nasa.gov/      129、 Microelectronics Center of North Carolina - MCNC      http://www.mcnc.org/      MCNC is a private, nonprofit corporation located in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. MCNC provides advanced resources in electronic and infor mation technologies to support education and industry and to enhance technolog y-based economic development in North Carolina. 130、 MobileWorld      http://www.mobileworld.org/      offers advice, technical information, secrets, articles, reviews, and more on mobile phones. 131、 National Center for Computational Electronics (NCCE)      http://www-ncce.ceg.uiuc.edu/      works to enhance the interdisciplinary interactions among several fiel ds of research, including applied mathematics, physics, computer science, and electrical engineering. 132、 National Communication Association      http://www.natcom.org/      not-for-profit organization with a mission to promote study, criticism , research, teaching, and application of the artistic, humanistic, and scienti fic principles of communication. 133、 North Pacific Group, Inc.      http://www.timberpiling.com/      products include wood transmission and distribution poles, timber pili ngs, crossarms, railroad ties, crane mats, and industrial products. 134、 Oakland Institute for Gravitational Wave Research      http://solo3.abac.com/gwinstitute/      dedicated to the search for gravitational waves, with emphasis on the electronics engineering challenges. 135、 Osmose, Inc.      http://www.osmose.com/home.htm      offers utility pole inspection, treatment and, restoration. Also produ ces pressure-treated wood products. 136、 Pennsylvania State University      http://cictr.ee.psu.edu/      Center for Information & Communications Technology Research - CICTR fo cuses on wireless communications techology research. 137、 Samsung Research Center      http://www.research.samsung.ru/      development of scientific and technological relations with Russian res earch organizations, and coordination of joint works in the field of advanced electronic technologies. 138、 School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the University of Lee ds      http://www.ee.leeds.ac.uk/      Opportunities in teaching, learning and research. Formed from the Depa rtment and two research Institutes, opportunities for collaboration are offere d across the School. 139、 Selah Group, Inc.      http://www.selahgroup.com/      electrical engineers working with industrial, utility, and commercial clients. We specialize in power, lighting, instrumentation, controls, and powe r distrubution. SCADA Systems. 140、 Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology(SEMATECH )      http://www.sematech.org/public/index.htm      an association of member companies cooperating precompetitively in key areas of semiconductor technology with a goal of accelerating development of advanced manufacturing technologies.

2005-04-27 04:14:00 打赏
141、 Semiconductor Research Corporation      http://www.src.org/      plans and directs a long-term applied research program in semiconducto r technologies 142、 Stanford University Signal Compression and Classification Group      http://www-isl.stanford.edu/people/gray/compression.html      Signal Compression and Classification Group The Signal Compression and Classification Group of the Information Systems Laboratory in the Department of Electrical Engineering of the School of Engineering of Stanford University 143、 The American Electronics Association(AEA)      http://www.aeanet.org/      for professionals in technology industries providing access to informa tion, networking opportunities, employee benefits, risk management, and cost s aving programs 144、 The Electronic Industries Alliance(EIA)      http://www.eia.org/      a trade organization representing the United States high technology co mmunity, sponsoring technical standards development, market analysis, governme nt relations, trade shows and seminar programs. 145、 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)      http://www.ieee.org     电气与电子工程师协会(美国),promotes the engineering process of creat ing, developing, integrating, sharing, and applying knowledge about electrical and information technologies and sciences. 146、 The Institution of Electrical Engineers(IEE)      http://www.iee.org/     电气工程师协会(英国) 147、 The International Microelectronics And Packaging Society(IMAPS)      http://www.imaps.org/      dedicated to the advancement and growth of the use of microelectronics and electronic packaging through professional and public education, the disse mination of information 148、 The Joint Equipment Materials Initiative(JEMI – UK)      http://www.jemiuk.com/      represents the interests of manufacturers and suppliers of equipment, materials and services for the semiconductor manufacturing industry throughout England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. 149、 TNO Physics and Electronics Laboratory (TNO-FEL      http://www.tno.nl/instit/fel/      The largest independent Dutch electronics research laboratory. 150、 UCLA Microwave Electronics Lab      http://www.mwlab.ee.ucla.edu/      Professor Tatsuo Itoh's lab group 151、 UCT Digital Image Processing      http://www.dip.ee.uct.ac.za/      Home Page of the Digital Image Processing research group in the Electr ical Engineering Department of the University of Cape Town 152、 University of California Society of Electrical Engineers      http://ucsee.eecs.berkeley.edu/index.html      153、 Wireless Information Resource Center      http://www.wirc.org/      Researches the health effects of wireless technology, including effect s from using mobile phones or living close to base station antennas. 154、 Yale Image Processing and Analysis Group Home Page      http://noodle.med.yale.edu/      Image Proccesing and Analysis group at Yale University. 155、 北京大学电子学系      http://www.ele.pku.edu.cn/      156、 北京大学微电子学研究所      http://ime.pku.edu.cn/     黄昆院士,王阳元院士,吉利久教授,张利春教授,的 ASIC设计与设计方法学研 究室、张利春教授领导的超高速集成电路 (VHSIC)研究室、王阳元院士领导的SOI器件与集 成电路研究室、韩汝琦教授领导的新器件研究室、谭长华教授领导的小尺寸器件及其可靠 性研究室、武国英教授领导的 MEMS技术研究室以及向全所开放的微电子科学技术实验室、 CAE实验室和测试实验室。 157、 北京理工大学电子工程系      http://www.bit.edu.cn/introduce/dept/xy04.htm#dz     王越 教授;柯有安教授;匡镜明教授 158、 北京邮电大学程控交换技术与通信网国家重点实验室     实验室由中科院院士工程院院士陈俊亮教授担任学术委员会主任,李乐民教授(成 都电子科技大学)任学术委员会副主任;孟洛明教授任实验室主任,李晓峰研究员任实验 室副主任。 159、 国家电力公司电力自动化研究院      http://www.nari-china.com      160、 集成光电子学联合国家实验室      http://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/docsn/kjc/lab/jcgdz/THR1.htm     半导体量子阱材料物理的研究和重要光电子器件物理、设计与工艺; 光波导器件设 计与工艺实现; 光电子器件应用及其系统技术的研究; 高以智 教授;范崇澄 教授等 光电 集成与光电子集成的物理与技术研究; 光电子新材料、新器件、新应用技术的研究.

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161、 宽带光纤传输与通信系统技术国家重点实验室      http://www.uestc.edu.cn/general/depart/index/cn-lab01.html     主要研究方向是宽带光纤传输理论与技术、宽带光纤传输系统、以及通信网技术 162、 区域光纤通信网与新型光通信系统国家重点实验室      http://www.sjtu.edu.cn/chinese/Web3/Index_3.html     区域光纤通信网与新型光通信系统”国家重点实验室在世界银行贷款支持下筹建, 于1995年10月通过国家验收,正式开放运。实验室分上海实验区和北京实验区两部分。上 海实验区主要研究方向为:区域光纤通信网技术研究、全光通信网技术研究、光导及光子 学器件基础技术研究。 163、 深圳大学EDA工程技术研究开发中心      http://www.edatech.com/     市科技局投资设立的开放式电子设计、教学和科研基地。 164、 通信电路与系统实验室     个人通信及通信系统,所涉及到的方面有:CDMA通信系统,无线本地环路,多用户 检测,自适应天线,信号与信道特性,计算机在通信领域中的应用。 165、 微波与数字通信国家重点实验室      http://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/docsn/kjc/kjc/kyjg.htm     数字密话网, 光纤拍长测试装置, 声显微镜, 汉字识别系统, 彩电CAD系统, 可编 程信号处理, 微波电子共振等离子体, 可调谐外腔激光器,光频分复用鉴频器, 高速误码测 试系统等科研,有周炳琨、吴佑寿院士和一批知名教授 166、 西南自动化研究所传感技术部      http://www.wb-swai.net/index.htm     开发WB系列电量隔离传感器、调理器、开关量模块及稳压电源。 167、 中国电子产品可靠性与环境试验研究所      http://www.ceprei.com/     从事电子产品质量与可靠性、环境适应性研究。 168、 中国电子学会      http://www.cie-china.org/Chinese/index.htm     以发展电子信息科学为宗旨。 169、 中国工程咨询协会      http://www.cnaec.com/     提供会员数据库查询与业界动态等内容。 170、 中国科学院电子学研究所      http://www.ie.ac.cn/     微波成像与雷达技术、微波毫米波器件与技术、高功率气体激光技术、微传感技术 与系统四个优势学科。 171、 17th International Conference on Data Engineering      https://www.icde2001.org/guest      APRIL 2-6, 2001.IEEE Computer Society. Heidelberg, Germany. Contact: A ndreas Reuter, +49 6221 533 200, fax: +49 6221 533 298. 172、 19th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference      http://www.cnes.fr/AIAA/      24、 APRIL 17-20, 2001.Toulouse, France. +33 5 6372 3071, fax: +33 5 6 372 3032, email: aiaa-icssc@carte-blanche.fr. 173、 2001 IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference -(IVEC),02 Apr - 04 Apr 2001      http://www.estec.esa.int/CONFANNOUN/IVEC2001      Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin Noordwijk, Netherlands 174、 2001 IEEE Rural Electric Power Conference,29 Apr - 01 May 2001      http://ewh.ieee.org/soc/ias/repc/2001REPC.htm      Embassy Suites Little Rock, AR 175、 2001 IEEE/DATC Workshop on Electronic Design Processes,08 Apr - 10 Apr 2001      http://www.eda.org/edps/edp01/      DoubleTree Hotel Monterey, CA 176、 2001 IEEE/SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Works hop (ASMC),23 Apr - 24 Apr 2001      http://www.ieee.org/      International Congress Center Munich, Germany 177、 2001 雷达国际学术会议      http://www.cie-china.org/radar2001/index.htm      178、 2001年中国国际大屏幕显示设备、数字电子信息产品、配套元器件展览会      http://www.cie-china.org/Chinese/exhibition/2001LED.htm      179、 2001年中国国际电力电子、电源新技术、新产品展览会      http://www.cie-china.org/Chinese/exhibition/2001power.htm      180、 2nd IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference      http://www.estec.esa.nl/conferences/IVEC2001/index.html      19、 APRIL 2-4, 2001,email: confburo@estec.esa.nl.

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181、 51st Annual Conference of the International Communication Association Ma y 24—28, 2001 Washington, DC, USA      http://www.icahdq.org/callforpapers.html      182、 EvoIASP2001: 3rd European Workshop on Evolutionary Computation in Image Analysius and Signal Processing      http://www.ce.unipr.it/evoiasp2001      APRIL 20, 2001. Lake Como, Italy. Contact: Stefano Cagnoni, +39 0521 9 05731, fax: +39 0521 905723. Evolutionary Computation, Image Analysis, Compute r Vision, Signal Processing, Genetic Algorithm, Genetic Programming. 183、 IEEE INFOCOM 2001 - 20th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer an d Communications Societies      http://www.ieee-infocom.org/2001/      APRIL 22-26, 2001. IEEE INFOCOM 2001 - 20th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. Anchorage, AK, USA. 202/371-1 013, fax: 202/728-0884, email: register@computer.org. 184、 IPDPS 2001: IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Proce ssing      http://www.ipdps.org/      APRIL 15-19, 2001.San Francisco, CA, USA. 202/371-1013, fax: 202/728-0 884, email: info@ipdps.org. 185、 ITCC 2001: International Conference on Information Technology: Coding an d Computing.      http://www.cs.clemson.edu/~srimani/itcc2001/cfp.html      20、 APRIL 2-4, 2001,email: Dr. Shahram Latifi. 186、 Radiation Transport Calculations using the EGS Monte Carlo System      http://www.sao.nrc.ca/inms/irs/papers/egsnrc/brochure.html      22、 APRIL 30 - MAY 3, 2001,Ottawa, Canada. Contact: Blake Walters, 6 13/993-2715, fax: 613/952-9865 . 187、 SMT/HYBRID/PACKAGING 2001 - System Integration in Micro Electronics Exhi bition & Conference.      http://www.mesago.de/messe/index.php3?view=&ogpmid=00020&ogplan=e&o...      23、 APRIL 24-26, 2001.Nuremberg, Germany. +49-711-61946-0, fax: +49-7 11-61946-98, email: info@mesago.de. 188、 Telecom Summit 2001: Broadband Connections      http://conferences.businessweek.com/2001/telecom/      APRIL 25-27, 2001.Dallas, TX, USA. 212/512-6281, fax: 212/512-6281, em ail: Julie Tarranova. 189、 The 8th International Conference on Neural Information Processing      http://www.cie-china.org/ICONIP2001/index.htm      190、 The Digital Subscriber Line (DSLcon) Spring 2001      http://www.dslcon.com/      APRIL 9-12, 2001. TEG Worldwide Media. Denver, CO, USA. 972/580-1900, fax: 972/753-1617, email: m.witter@dslcon.com. DSL technologies. 191、 The International Telecommunications Energy Conference      http://conferences.iee.org/INTELEC2001/      14-18 October 2001 Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC), U K 192、 第六届固态集成电路技术国际学会会议      http://www.cie-china.org/icsict2001/index.htm      193、 第四届专用集成电路国际学会会议      http://www.cie-china.org/asic2001/index.htm      194、 信息技术与信息网络国际学术会议      http://www.cie-china.org/icii2001/index.htm      195、 中国电子学会第七届青年学术年会征文通知      http://www.info2000.com.cn/xuehui/zhengwen/zw001.htm      196、 中国电子学会第七届学术年会征文通知      http://www.cie-china.org/Chinese/news/7thnianhui.htm      197、 IBM Patent Server      http://patent.womplex.ibm.com/      198、 U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Patent Databases      http://www.uspto.gov/patft/      199、 中国知识产权网      http://www.cnipr.com/     中国专利检索,技术产品及商标的展示,图书的网上展销,知识产权信息服务。 200、 中国专利文献数据库      http://home.exin.net/patent/     该数据库收录了中国专利局自1985年以来公布的所有发明专利和实用新型专利,内 容有题录、文摘、权利要求等。检索途径设有专利名称、文摘、权利要求、申请人等共计 27个字段。 201、 中国专利信息网      http://www.patent.com.cn/     该系统收集了51万条中国专利,可以检索获得文摘。该网点还提供了与专利有关的 多种信息,如专利转让、专利法规、专利代理机构等。 202、 American National Standards      http://www.ansi.org/     美国国家标准学会 203、 European Committee for Standardization      http://www.cenorm.be/      204、 International Organization for Standardization      http://www.iso.ch/welcome.html     国际标准化组织 205、 国家通信标准      http://www.cci.cn.net/ver2/txbzh/gjbzh.html      206、 African Cellular      http://www.cellular.co.za/      resource to cellular & telecommunications in Africa. Info on GSM cellu lar networks, global cellular standards, GSM cellphones, accessories, network services & stats 207、 Ei (The Engineering Index)      http://ultra2.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/ei-village/plsql/switch.main      208、 Electronic Policy Network      http://www.epn.org/      a group of research and advocacy organizations and publications, provi ding online analysis of economics, politics, social trends, and public policy. 209、 OCLC(Online Computer Library Center)      http://firstsearch.global.oclc.org/WebZ/FSPrefs?entityjsdetect=:jav...      210、 PQDD(ProQuest Digital Dissertations)      http://wwwlib.global.umi.com/dev/dissertations/gateway      211、 Virtual HART Book      http://www.thehartbook.com/      products, contacts and technical notes on the HART protocol. 212、 Web of Science      http://china.sciencemag.org/      213、 Yahoo! Electronics Marketplace      http://industrymarketplaces.yahoo.com/industrymarketplaces/electron...      industry news, suppliers, and product research for professionals. 214、 万方数据库      http://chinainfo.gov.cn/indexs.htm 215、 中国期刊网      http://lib.bit.edu.cn/Inc/CNKI.htm     

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