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Compact monopole antenna for GSM-DCS operation of mobile handsetsCompact monopole antenna for GSM=DCS operation of mobile handsets
B. Sun, Q. Liu and H. Xie
A novel dual-frequency monopole antenna, with a low prole and also with a small transverse size, is proposed. Firstly, by investigating and utilising a taper meander line antenna with a very large vertex angle, the antenna height is reduced to 15 mm. Secondly, by wrapping it in a box-like structure, the antenna transverse width is reduced to 12 mm. Thirdly, by introducing another geometrically complementary meander line branch, the second resonant mode is enhanced. Finally an antenna with dimensions of 15 12 7 mm is designed, and good impedance bandwidth performance for GSM (890
标签: CompactmonopoleantennaGSM-DCSoperationmobilehandsets
