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Planar Inverted-F Antenna with a Hollow Shorting Cylinder for internal mobile phone antennaPlanar Inverted-F Antenna with a Hollow Shorting Cylinder for Internal Mobile Phone Antenna
Shao-Lun Chien,' Hong-Twu Chen? *Chih-Ming Su,' Fu-Ren Hsiao,' and Kin-Lu Wong' 'Dept. of Electrical Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University Kaohsiung 804, Taiwan *Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Military Academy, Feng-Shan 830, Taiwan

Planar inverted-F antennas (PIFAs) have been very popular for application as an internal antenna in small handheld wireless communication devices [l]. For these applications, the PIFA is usually mounted at the top portion of the system circuit board of a wireless device. Recently, for many wireless devices such as mobile phones or PDA (personal digital assistant) phones, a digital camera is usually embedded and preferred to be located also at the t
标签: PlanarInverted-FAntennaHollowShortingCylinderinternalmobilephoneantenna
