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A Compact PIFA Suitable for Du...

A Compact PIFA Suitable for Dual Frequency 900&1800MHzA Complate Manuscript Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation as a letter

A Compact PIFA Suitable for Dual Frequency 900/1800MHz Operation y
Corbett R. Rowell , and R. D. Murchz (Member IEEE)
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, HONG KONG Final November 25th , 1997 Abstract

Planar Inverted F Antennas (PIFA) have been proposed as possible candidates for mobile telephone handsets. In this letter we describe the design of a compact PIFA suitable for operation at 900MHz. In addition we provide modi cations to this design that allow it to operate in dual frequency bands at 900MHz and 1800MHz. FDTD and experimental results are provided.


Supported by the Hong Kong research grant counc
标签: CompactSuitableFrequency1800MHz
A Compact PIFA Suitable for Du...
