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Design and Construction of FM ...

Design and Construction of FM Transmitter and ReceiverDesign and Construction of FM Transmitter and Receiver
Final Report David Chen Abstract: Our FM transmitter and receiver are built with discrete analog components and integrated on two circuit boards. The modulation scheme uses a superheterodyne setup, in which the intermediate carrier is at 300-kHz and the transmission carrier is at 24.3-MHz. Using 711-mW of DC power, the transmitter outputs a 5-dBm signal centered at 24.3-MHz with 100-kHz bandwidth. Using about half as much power, around 342-mW, the receiver can detect incoming signals at powers as low as -110 dBm. This receptivity level translates to successful audio reception at distances of almost 2-km from the transmitting antenna atop Packard. Design Theory: Transmitter: The transmitter is designed to take a signal in the audio rang
Design and Construction of FM ...
