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Phased Two Element Planar Inve...

Phased Two Element Planar IFACODEN:LUTEDX/(TEAT-5041)/1-29/(2000)

Phased Two Element Planar Inverted F-Antennas with Dynamic Radiation Pattern

Daniel Svensson

Department of Electroscience Electromagnetic Theory Lund Institute of Technology Sweden

Handledare: Peter Waller Wlodek Kulesza, University of Kalmar

Editor: Gerhard Kristensson c Daniel Svensson, Lund, February 15, 2001

I am grateful to Wlodek Kulesza at the University of Kalmar, Kent Rosengren at Intenna Technology AB and, in particular, Peter Waller and Anders Karlsson at Lund University, for helpful and invaluable discussions. I would also like to thank all employees at Intenna Technology AB, especially Leif Nilsson and Sverker Peterson for enlightening discussions.

Kalmar 2001-01-02 Daniel Svensson

Abstract The object of this thesi
标签: PhasedElementPlanar
Phased Two Element Planar Inve...
