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VHDL用户quartus ll 开发使用说明

tutorial_quartusii_intro_vhdlQuartus II Introduction for VHDL Users
This tutorial presents an introduction to the Quartus II software. It gives a general overview of a typical CAD ow for designing circuits that are implemented by using FPGA devices, and shows how this ow is realized in the Quartus II software. The design process is illustrated by giving step-by-step instructions for using the Quartus II software to implement a simple circuit in an Altera FPGA device. The Quartus II system includes full support for all of the popular methods of entering a description of the desired circuit into a CAD system. This tutorial makes use of the VHDL design entry method, in which the user species the desired circuit in the VHDL hardware description language. Another version of this tutorial is available that uses Verilog hard
标签: tutorialquartusiiintro
VHDL用户quartus ll 开发使用说明
