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MixerSheet 1 of 10

Mixers A Mixer is an analogue device that can multiply two signals together and also provides the difference of the two signals. They are composed of a non-linear device (a diode or a transistor) and passive couplers devices to inject the input mixing signals into the non-linear device that will perform the mixing. Current technology state-of-the-art in mixer realization shows that the bandwidth of mixers are limited by the passive devices and not by the diode or transistors, which have bandwidths exceeding the requirements. Bandwidth of the mixer will be limited by the bandwidth of the couplers. The multiplication process begins by inputting two signals:

a = Asin(ω 1t + φ1 ) and signal b = Bsin(ω 2 t + φ 2 )
The resulting multiplied signal will be:

a.b = ABsin(ω1.t + φ1 )
标签: Mixer
