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Addressing Transient Errors in Passive MacromodelsIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 50, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2002


Addressing Transient Errors in Passive Macromodels of Distributed Transmission-Line Networks
Anestis Dounavis, Student Member, IEEE, Ramachandra Achar, Member, IEEE, and Michel S. Nakhla, Fellow, IEEE
Abstract―Recently, several time-domain passive macromodeling algorithms were proposed for distributed transmission-line networks. Most of them employ some kind of approximation in the frequency domain to match the response up to a maximum frequency of interest and the behavior after the highest frequency is generally not considered. This can cause significant errors in transient responses (especially in the early-time period). In order to address this difficulty, we will present a new algorithm to redu
