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This chapter shows how to use Harmonic Balance for two-tone measurements such as TOI, NF, and others.

Lab 7: Advanced Harmonic Balance Mixer Simulations

Lab 7: Advanced Harmonic Balance

Perform more 2 tone simulations: TOI (IP3) Sweep LO power vs. NF and IF power Use functions and variables to control simulations and data

1. Create the schematic a. Save the last lab (hb_comp) with a new name: hb_toi b. Start with the schematic shown here from the previous lab - you can also keep the HB controller and VAR equation block but they will be modified during this lab:


Lab 7: Advanced Harmonic Balance

2. Modify the VAR block For this lab, set up the following variable equations on the schematic. This VAR will initialize the values needed for the IP3 or TOI (
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