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Designing High-Speed Interconn...

Designing High-Speed Interconnect Circuits-cPersonal account | University of Toronto- Campus Wide


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Table of Contents Appendix B Navigation Variables Operations Scripts Functions o Loping Files and I/O Help

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Appendix B - Matlab 101 Designing High-Speed Interconnect Circuits: Advanced Signal Integrity Methods for Engineers by Dennis Miller
Intel Press 2006

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Appendix B: Matlab 101
Matlab is an extremely powerful tool for the types of work we do, and yet many of us are not familiar with this tool. This is an introduction to the most fundamental operations in Matlab. If Matlab is not available to you, a fallback is Octave; however, scripts may have to be tweaked to get them to run on Octave. If you, like many, have been trying to do math
Designing High-Speed Interconn...
