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ESD人体模型(HBM)与IEC IEC61000-4-2标准白皮书

ESD人体模型(HBM)与IEC IEC61000-4-2标准白皮书
California Micro Devices
White Paper
January 2008

Human Body Model (HBM) vs. IEC IEC61000-4-2
Many ESD standards such as the Human Body Model (HBM), Machine Model (MM), Charged Device Model (CDM),
and IEC 61000-4-2 have been developed to test for robustness and ensure ESD protection. Unfortunately, these
standards are often misunderstood and sometimes used interchangeably, which can result in tested, “protected”
systems that later fail in the consumer’s hands. To ensure better product reliability, it is critical that today’s design
engineer understand the significant differences between manufacturing environment and system end user environment
ESD testing.

While most designers are familiar with the classic device level manufacturing tests that are applied to integrated circuit
标签: CaliforniaMicroDevicesIEC61000-4-2HBMESD
ESD人体模型(HBM)与IEC IEC61000-4-2标准白皮书


slq· 2009-12-16 16:20:56