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Getting Started with DSPs

Once you decide that a Digital Signal Processor is right for your application, you need a way to
get started. Many manufacturers will sell you a low cost evaluation kit, allowing you to
experience their products first-hand. These are a great educational tool; it doesn't matter if you
are a novice or a pro, they are the best way to become familiar with a particular DSP. For
instance, Analog Devices provides the EZ-KIT® Lite to teach potential customers about its
SHARC® family of Digital Signal Processors. For only $179, you receive all the hardware and
software you need to see the DSP in action. This includes "canned" programs provided with the
kit, as well as applications you can write yourself in assembly or C. Suppose you buy one of
these kits from Analog Devices and play with it for a few days. This chapter is an overview of
what you can expect to find and learn.
The ADSP-2106x family
Getting Started with DSPs

Once you decide that a Digital Signal Processor is right for your application, you need a way to
get started. Many manufacturers will sell you a low cost evaluation kit, allowing you to
experience their products first-hand. These are a great educational tool; it doesn't matter if you
are a novice or a pro, they are the best way to become familiar with a particular DSP. For
instance, Analog Devices provides the EZ-KIT Lite to teach potential customers about its
SHARC family of Digital Signal Processors. For only $179, you receive all the hardware and
software you need to see the DSP in action. This includes "canned" programs provided with the
kit, as well as applications you can write yourself in assembly or C. Suppos
标签: DSPSHARCADSP-2106xfamilySHARCEZ-KITLiteAnFIRAudioFilterAnalogmeasurementsFixedversusFloatingPointAdvancedSoftwareTools
Getting Started with DSPs
