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03.Cypress' CapSense Sigma-Delta Algorithm

03.Cypress' CapSense Sigma-Delta Algorithm
Cypress’ CapSense Sigma-Delta Algorithm

Cypress Semiconductor
White Paper
By Aaron GL Podbelski

Executive Summary What is Capacitive Sensing?
CapSense Sigma Delta algorithm A capacitive sensor is a pair of adjacent electrodes (Figure 1). When a
(CSD) is Cypress’ latest capacitive conductive object is placed in proximity of the two electrodes, the capacitance
sensing algorithm for the CY8C21x34 changes sending a signal from the sensor to the microcontroller, allowing the

and CY8C24x94 PSoC device family. planned action to occur. The base capacitance is often referred to as the
parasitic capacitance (CP). The physical sensor itself is ty
标签: cypress传感
03.Cypress' CapSense Sigma-Delta Algorithm
