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首页> 分享下载> 嵌入式系统> Delta-Sigma ADCs Replace Integrating ADCs for Panel Meters

Delta-Sigma ADCs Replace Integrating ADCs for Panel Meters

Abstract: This article compares the merits of integrating ADC and delta-sigma ADC architectures for panel-meter applications. It includes a description of two families of panel-meter-specific ICs, the MAX1491–MAX1499 and the MAX1365–MAX1368.
Maxim > App Notes > A/D and D/A Conversion/Sampling Circuits
Keywords: panel meter, sigma delta, delta sigma, ADCs, integrating, dual slope, 3.5 digit, 4.5 digit, DPM, DVM, voltmeter, industrial panel, Apr 05, 2011
LED, LCD, display

Delta-Sigma ADCs Replace Integrating ADCs for Panel Meters

Abstract: This article compares the merits of integrating ADC and delta-sigma ADC architectures for panel-meter applications. It
includes a description of two families of panel-meter-specific ICs, the MAX1491
标签: MaximpanelmetersigmadeltadeltasigmaADCsintegratingdualslope3.5digit4.5digitDPMDVMvoltmeterindustrialpanelLEDLCDdisplay
Delta-Sigma ADCs Replace Integrating ADCs for Panel Meters
