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CC2530-CC2591EM 参考设计

CC2530-CC2591EM 参考设计
Application Note AN086

Using CC2591 Front End with CC2530/1
By Espen Slette and Michael Paszowski


2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 systems External LNA
ZigBee systems CC2530
Range Extender CC2531
External PA CC2591

1 Introduction
The CC2530 is TI's second generation This application note describes how to
ZigBee / IEEE 802.15.4 RF System-on- implement the CC2530 and the CC2591 in
Chip (SoC) for the 2.4 GHz unlicensed the same design. It further describes the
ISM band. This chip enables industrial expected perfo
CC2530-CC2591EM 参考设计
