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infineon IBIS 实例

infineon IBIS 实例
AppNote AP1670

IBIS Models for Infineon 16 bit Microcontrollers

Infineon Technologies provides a series of IBIS (I/O Buffer Information Specification)
models for its 16 bit microcontrollers. IBIS represents an industry standard used to
model the output driver characteristics of a device to help users decide what kind of
termination, filter components and even layout technique they may need
in their system.

Authors: Richard Niebauer, Thomas Steinecke / Infineon Technologies AG
Manfred Maurer / Siemens AG

2004-02, Rel. 02
IBIS Models for Infineon 16 bit Microcontrollers

标签: infineonIBIS
infineon IBIS 实例
