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首页> 分享下载> 无线/通信> 实现与PIC18单片机的USART的LIN主节点驱动程序


Like most network protocols, the Local Interconnect
Network (LIN) as described in the official specification
is a multi-layered system. The levels vary from the
physical interface up to the high level application, with
logical data connections between nodes at various lay-
ers. This application note focuses on the implementa-
tion of an interface between the physical interface and
higher level application firmware, essentially a hard-
ware driver (the shaded blocks in Figure 1). Specifi-
cally, this document presents a Master node driver that
is designed for PIC18 microcontrollers with a standard
USART module.
Implementing a LIN Master Node Driver
on a PIC18 Microcontroller with USART
Author: Ross M. Fosler Users interested in the implementation of LIN Slave
nodes (not discussed in this document) are
Microchip Technology Inc.
encouraged to visit the Microchip web site
(www.microchip.com) for additional application notes
INTRODUCTION and other information.
Like most network protocols
标签: USARTLIN节点驱动程序
