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超低静态电流供应的125kHz ASK接收器

摘要:本应用笔记显示了一个简单的设计为125kHz的要求轮胎压力监测系统(TPMS )的接收器。这LFRF接收器,只需要一个2.1V的电源电压和4μA (典型值)电源电流。本设计采用了一个小小的比较,作为限幅放大器的MAX9075和检测的晶体管。一个纳安级比较的MAX9117 ,可用于降低供电电流为600nA (典型值) 。
Maxim > Design Support > App Notes > Automotive > APP 2768

Keywords: ASK receiver, tire pressure monitoring system, TPMS, low-frequency RF, LFRF, LFRF receiver

Oct 01, 2003
Ultra-Low Quiescent Supply Current 125kHz ASK Receiver
Abstract: This application note shows a simple design for a 125kHz ASK receiver for a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS). This
LFRF receiver needs only a 2.1V supply voltage and 4A (typ) supply current. The design uses a tiny comparator acting as a limiting
amplifier, the MAX9075, and a transistor for detection. A nanopower comparator, the MAX9117, can be used to reduce the supply
current to 600nA (typ).

There is an e
标签: MaximASKreceivertirepressuremonitoringsystemTPMSlow-frequencyRFLFRFLFRFreceiver
超低静态电流供应的125kHz ASK接收器
