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首页> 分享下载> 常用文档> 使用PIC16F877的定制码的PIC16CXXX设备


With the release of the FLASH-based PIC16F87X fam-
ily, Microchip Technology has completed the circle on
product technology. Microchip is now in the unique
position of offering FLASH, OTP or ROM-based ver-
sions of devices with similar feature sets. Customers
now have the most flexible position to select their
choice of technology and easily migrate from one tech-
nology to another, reaping the benefits and cost struc-
tures which best suit their needs.
Using the PIC16F877 To Develop Code For
PIC16CXXX Devices
The PIC16F87X devices have some features that are
Authors: Stan D’Souza, Rodger Richey not available or modified from the PIC16CXXX devices.
Microchip Technology Inc. When developing code, use the data sheet for the tar-
get device and refer to the exceptions listed in the next
section for each device. Following these suggestions
标签: PIC16F877定制码PIC16C
