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首页> 分享下载> 嵌入式系统> 【白皮书】基于SoC FPGA的存储器系统中的纠错码V1.2(Error Correction Code in SoC FPGA-Based Memory Systems V1.2)

【白皮书】基于SoC FPGA的存储器系统中的纠错码V1.2(Error Correction Code in SoC FPGA-Based Memory Systems V1.2)

【白皮书】基于SoC FPGA的存储器系统中的纠错码V1.2(Error Correction Code in SoC FPGA-Based Memory Systems V1.2)
This paper examines the potential sources and implications of soft errors and a
method implemented by Altera Corporation and Micron Technology to make
embedded systems more resilient to these types of soft errors through error detection
and correction.
Error Correction Code in SoC FPGA-Based
Memory Systems

WP-01179-1.2 White Paper, with contributions from Micron Technology

This paper examines the potential sources and implications of soft errors and a
method implemented by Altera Corporation and Micron Technology to make
embedded systems more resilient to these types of soft errors through error detection
and correction.

Continuously adva
标签: AlteraFPGASoCsofterrorsembeddedsystemserrordetectionandcorrectionDRAMSoCECCerrorcorrectioncode
【白皮书】基于SoC FPGA的存储器系统中的纠错码V1.2(Error Correction Code in SoC FPGA-Based Memory Systems V1.2)
