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Stratix V器件勘误表(Errata Sheet for Stratix V Devices)

Stratix V器件勘误表(Errata Sheet for Stratix V Devices)
本勘误表提供关于影响Stratix V器件产品的已知器件问题。
This errata sheet provides information about known device issues affecting Stratix® V
production devices.
Errata Sheet for Stratix V Devices

ES-01034-1.1 Errata Sheet

This errata sheet provides information about known device issues affecting Stratix V
production devices.

Production Device Issues for Stratix V Devices
Table 1 lists the issues and the affected Stratix V production devices.

Table 1. Stratix V Production Device Issues (Part 1 of 2)
Issue Affected Devices
标签: AlteraFPGAErrataissuesproductiondevicesCMUPLLatChannel1M20KInitializationATXPLLRangePCIeConfigureWriteOperationReceiverDetectIssue
Stratix V器件勘误表(Errata Sheet for Stratix V Devices)
