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首页> 分享下载> 嵌入式系统> 在Spartan3E/ 3 fpga7:1序列化中速度高达666 Mbps

在Spartan3E/ 3 fpga7:1序列化中速度高达666 Mbps

在Spartan3E/ 3 fpga7:1序列化中速度高达666 Mbps
Application Note: Spartan-3E/3A FPGAs

7:1 Serialization in Spartan-3E/3A FPGAs
at Speeds Up to 666 Mbps
XAPP486 (v1.1) June 21, 2010

Summary Spartan-3E and Extended Spartan-3A devices are used in a wide variety of applications
requiring 7:1 serialization at speeds up to 666 Mbps. This application note targets
Spartan-3E/3A devices in applications that require 4-bit or 5-bit transmit data bus widths and
标签: xilinxspartan
在Spartan3E/ 3 fpga7:1序列化中速度高达666 Mbps
