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定时和同步是非常重要的建筑试验和测量(T & M) 系统,这使得 IEEE 1588 精确时间协议易用性使用和高性能尤其有吸引力,在系统设计器中。此白皮书文件概述了 IEEE 1588 给 T & M 系统带来的好处尤其是当与配对 B 类 LXI 仪器的功能,并阐释如何可以将这些功能集成到可以作为的文书用于创建测试系统的高性能强大构建基块
What IEEE 1588 Means for Your Next T&M System Design

Paul F. Franklin
Keithley Instruments, Inc.

Timing and synchronization are crucial in building test and measurement
(T&M) systems, which makes the IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol’s ease of
use and high performance especially attractive to system designers. This white
paper offers an overview of the benefits IEEE 1588 brings to T&M systems,
especially when paired with LXI Class B instrument capabilities, and illustrates
标签: Keithley3706数字多用表
