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外部电阻器最大限度减少 Digipot 加载

摘要: 本文讨论了如何通过添加 H 与 W.之间的单一外部电阻器提高 (由于刮水器的加载) 的线性和中档频率响应的 VCO 控制应用程序中的数字电位器

Maxim > Design support > App notes > Digital Potentiometers > APP 2095
Maxim > Design support > App notes > General Engineering Topics > APP 2095

Keywords: digital pot, digital potentiometers, linear digital pots, digipots, VCO control, potentiometer

Jun 02, 2003
External Resistor Minimizes Digipot Loading
By: Leo Sahlsten

Abstract: This article discusses how to improve linearity (due to loading of the wiper) and mid-range frequency response of a digital
potentiometer in VCO control applications by adding a single external resistor between H and W.

Digital potentiometer ICs (digital pots, or digipots) are convenient for controlling voltage-c
标签: MaximdigitalpotdigitalpotentiometerslineardigitalpotsdigipotsVCOcontrolpotentiometer
外部电阻器最大限度减少 Digipot 加载
