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首页> 分享下载> 常用文档> LED驱动器应用中升压转换器的简单开路保护


驱动高亮度LED的一种方法是对标准升压转换器拓扑进行修改,以驱动恒定电流通过负载。但是,这种实施方法存在严重问题。德州仪器模拟应用工程师Gregory Amidon将为大家介绍一种简单的健壮开路故障保护方法,其使用一个齐纳二极管和一个电阻器,并且对总效率的影响可以忽略不计。通过将一个高压升压转换器配置为一个恒流驱动器,用于驱动3支高亮度白光LED,并在输出端产生一个模拟故障状态,我们可以验证这种拓扑结构的功能性
Texas Instruments Incorporated Power Management

Simple open-circuit protection for boost
converters in LED driver applications
John Caldwell, Analog Applications Engineer,
and Gregory Amidon, Analog Field Applications Engineer
Introduction boost configuration, the output voltage, VOUT, is monitored
One method for driving high-brightness LEDs is to modify by using a voltage divider to produce a feedback voltage,
the standard boost-converter topology to drive a constant VFB, for the circuit. The converter regulates the output
current through the load. However, there is a major prob- voltage to keep VFB equal to the on-chip ref
标签: 德州仪器LEDTI驱动恒流
